We’re On OSM!
The campsite is now using a new booking system through the well known Online Scout Manager (OSM). It has been set up for its speed and simplicity of booking, however for those new to this it can feel quite complex. Therefore we have set up this guide to help you with booking with us.
If you need any help and advice please get in touch with using the details found on our contacts page.
NOTE: You DO NOT need a paid OSM account to be able to use this system. The processes shown below were done on a computer, mobile devices may look different however should still have the same function. The shown availability and activities are currently varying due to the pandemic, please go to our COVID Page to learn more on what it available.
Step 1:
To begin your booking, you may find OSM in 2 locations.
At the top of our website you will find a “Book Now” button. This will lead you onto our availability page.

This leads you to a page displaying all the available activities on the campsite with some descriptions. Pressing on “View Availability and Book Online Today” will then take you to the calendar for each item. From here press “Book Online Today”

The result will bring you to an OSM login page. If you have an OSM account or have booked in for another campsite in the past then enter in your details. Otherwise press the “Create Account” button to enter in your name and email address. This is needed so you are able to access your personal details and bookings.
Option 2:
If you have an OSM account for your group, you may want to go via the “My Venue Bookings” in the top left corner of OSM in the “Change Section/Items” selection tab.

The map of the UK with all OSM operating campsites will then be displayed. Scroll in to find the Oaks Scout Campsite and click on “View Availability and Make Booking”.

Step 2:
Once decided on the day of the booking, press on “Add Booking” to begin the booking process. Enter in the group name and the date of the booking. Organisation type refers to the type of group you are and affects the pricing for the group and the activities available. Types are as follows:
- Charnwood/Lboro Scout Group – For any Scout group/section from Loughborough and Charnwood Districts
- Scout Group – Any Scout group/section outside of Charnwood and Loughborough Districts
- Guide Group – Any Guiding group/section
- Dofe (Scouting) – Duke of Edinburgh award expedition groups being assessed through Explorers/Network
- DofE (Non-Scouting) – Any Duke of Edinburgh award groups outside of the assessment of Scouting
- Network/SSAGO – Groups booking through Network and Student Scout and Guide Organisation
Finally it’s time to enter in the information for your group and all the items for the booking. Note on the image to the right that some items are shown as unavailable. This is due to either being booked or outside of the timings assigned to when the item is available.
When finished adding all the items wanted, press “Submit Booking” and this will be sent of to be checked by the bookings secretary.
- For any alterations or mistakes in the booking, get in contact with the bookings secretary
- ALL bookings must be made over 7 days in advance of the time wishing to visit the site
- For non-residentials bookings, ensure you have booked a day/evening group visit item before booking any other activities. Bookings cannot be accepted if there is no group visit item available on that day.